"If there’s one rule that applies everywhere, it’s that Irony Doesn’t Scale." - Paul Ford of Postlight, a digital product studio in NYC.
Paul's post “Irony Doesn’t Scale” stuck with me this week.
His ideas on sick vs. well systems for running a business are great.
Paul's Characteristics of a Well System:
- Hire people who like to work hard and who have something to prove.
- Encourage people to own and manage large blocks of their own time, and give people time to think and make thinking part of the job—not extra.
- Let people rest. Encourage them to go home at sensible times. If they work late give them time off to make up for it.
- Aim for consistency. Set emotional boundaries and expectations, be clear about rewards, and protect people where possible from crises so they can plan their time.
- Make their success their own and credit them for it.
- Don’t promise happiness. Promise fair pay and good work.
No surprises here, I suppose.
These are lofty and very worthwhile goals.
Avoiding a sick system & not leaning on irony will be a focus of mine this year.
As always thank you for reading,
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Pedaleur de Flandres Cycling Cafe
Pedaleur de Flandres Cycling Cafe is the next cycling hot spot in Gent. Support Bram & Dieter's crowdfunding campaign here.
Like on FB & follow on insta too!
How Bikes Will Take Their Revenge on Cars and Help Us Reclaim Our Streets
Big cities are going car-free. Makes sense to me.
7mesh Happenings - Issue #1
Bobby from 7mesh started a Revue. Check it out!
The Art of Strategy Is About Knowing When to Say No
“more companies die of indigestion than starvation.” - David Packard, HP co-founder
15% off the EU-Startups Summit in Barcelona
Use the code TWOTONE for 15% off for ticket purchases until February 16.
More info about the summit can be found here.
Tickets are available here.
Cutwork Studio
Cutwork is an industrial creative studio dedicated to designing the future of living and working spaces. If you dig their work for your workspace, get in touch & say Twotone sent you : )
Sales & PR
Separate yourself by showing what's possible.
"Have you considered" questions change your value proposition drastically.
Nordweg Nômade in Amsterdam
I made a cameo in Nordweg's insta & website with some photos we did for them recently. Nice work Frank!
Brands With Business Profiles on Instagram Can Now Schedule Organic Posts
Business profiles on Instagram gained a lot more flexibility last Tuesday.
Bloom: Open Space | Feb 21-15, 2018 | Amsterdam
Experience Bloom in a completely new context in Amsterdam this month.
Guests will step into a central zone surrounded by screens, where they can physically experience Bloom – tapping the air around them to create elaborate patterns and unique melodies with the simplest of gestures.
For more info, visit bloomopenspace.com