After our short lived experience doing high-concept strategy, I’ve realized that our simple process is one of the things that set MetaLab apart from other agencies. We don’t get bogged down preaching vague visions of what could be. We shut up and build stuff, get feedback, and iterate until both our team and the client love it. It’s nothing fancy, but it seems to result in some spectacular results.
Andrew Wilkinson of MetaLab wrote a post on Medium a little over a week ago called Skateboard, Bike, Car. (Do cars really need to be the next level? ; )) This guy's post on the history of the bicycle as a better analogy for agile software development is less of a pitch for sure. He coined the concept. But I digress...
Why is Andrew's Medium article awesome?
- MetaLab has heaps of streetcred but they fell susceptible to following trends vs. setting them
- planning is usually just a fancy word for guessing what will happen in the future
- The lesson is clear for anyone setting strategy for their own business: "shut up and build stuff, get feedback, and iterate until both (y)our team and the client love it."
The best businesses do one thing well, and at MetaLab we build stuff. Strategy is all about ten years from now when we are good at now. They wanted mockups and prototypes, not 50-page strategy decks.
MetaLab's helpfulness (e.g. helping the world’s most successful companies build digital products) is their best asset. Spending months building out a strategy deck trying to rethink the future of their clients' businesses is not nearly as helpful.
protip: he started a Revue too!
As alway, thanks for reading!
Hunt Ideas for New Cycling Products
Last week, we kicked of with a new client, Idea Hunt, to launch: Twotone is tasked with getting riders and brands on board. If you're interested, sign up to learn more!
Bilenky & the origins of the Philly Bike Expo
At a time when bike shows in the US are shrinking and the bike economy is stagnant, The Philly Bike Expo is growing. The Expo, now in its seventh year, has well outgrown its original venue.
Interview: As Bold As Founder Joyce Brereton
Joyce Brereton of women's cycling brand As Bold As talks about her favourite cycle routes around Dublin and her dream cycling companions.
Welcome to the Peoples Poncho
We're helping Johnny and the team at Peoples Poncho break into the Benelux market. Already expected on the shelves at WorkCycles & Recycle, we're drumming up buzz about this functional and packable accessory for everything from cycling to hiking and everything in between. Their mission is simple, keep you dry whilst you go about your outdoor adventures. Don't let the weather stop you, we don't!
Enter STAYDRYAUTUMN for 25% off.
Connecting you to Amsterdam - Capital Bikes
Capital Bikes' mission is to provide visitors of Amsterdam the best possible experience so they can easily discover and enjoy our city best places. Menno and their team have been operating in stealth mode for years now. Awesome to see the site live! They're looking for a reservation system for hotels to use for the bikes. Tips?
Twona – Artwork Management System
Twona is The SaaS Artwork Management System. Workflow Management, Versioning, Text and Graphic Comparison and Design Automation. They're hiring for sales here in Amsterdam!
CloudTags helps to create flexible and modular stores that balance the online and offline is working with pop-up specialist Appear Here and connected store platform CloudTags to create flexible and modular stores that balance the online and offline and presence of the brand. Fun fact: CloudTags' CTO, CBQ was my old boss at Highgroove & Big Nerd Ranch. Awesome stuff guys!
What is Sales Operations and Why You Need It
You may have heard the term "sales operations" being thrown around as something your startup or high-growth tech company needs, but do you know what it is?
Control, or Be Controlled: Sales Forecasting Done Right – Andreessen Horowitz
Why is it so damn hard to meet a sales forecast? There are so many ways things can go wrong during the sales process. This post is gold.
Why Helpfulness Is Your Best Asset For Competing In SaaS
Hiten Shah chats about how competing in today's SaaS market requires building remarkable self-service. Also relevant, Steli & Hiten's recent cold calling podcast.
Twotone Turns Two!
Already two years since turning an old bike blog into a business.
We've come a long way since 2014 and are excited to welcome everyone to our new office on Dec. 9th to celebrate! We'll share more details about the party soon!