The aggregation of marginal gains is a very cool concept.
"If you get 1% better each day for an entire year you’d be 37 times better at the end of the year. That’s 3,700% better. Compounding is cool." - Patrick Griffith
Patrick watched the same video I did of a James Clear talk. (yeah it starts with a Team Sky example – link below) James suggests that habits are the compound interest of self-improvement:
- Good habits make time your ally.
- Bad habits make time your enemy.
Here are his four stages of habit formation.
- Noticing: Many people think that they lack motivation when what they really lack is clarity.
- Wanting: shape your environment to provide you with what you want vs. just wanting what is available now
- Doing: Quantity vs Quality? Quantity leads to quality. Sometimes you need to try things and make mistakes to get good.
- Liking: Figure out how to bring the long-term reward into the present. Don’t break the chain.
I believe figuring out how to leverage this approach is key for everyone. Check out the video about this concept below in the Startups section.
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In one week, I'll be going Bonn or Bust!

Torino - Nice rally 2017 by Ass Savers
Twotone client & personal friend of mine Staffan Widell of Ass Savers did the Torino Nice Rally this year. And god damn does this post nearly do justice to the sheer magnitude of how incredibly amazing the route truly is. Click & get stoked.

Soigneur - Bikepacking La Resistance
Gravel /’grævəl’/ is a loose aggregation of rock fragments. It is also a concentration of radness ; )
I've been meaning to get down to Talloires for some time now. Soigneur beat me to it! Stoked to visit bASECAMP soon!

Pre-order the book! – RIDE WITH ME
My friend Roos is making a great cycle guide to Amsterdam. Check it out!

What happens in an internet minute in 2017? | World Economic Forum
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1% Better Every Day
"Every action is a vote for the type of person you wish to become."
Good weekend watching here.
25mins well spent.

Inbox Talks with Jon Woodroof
Wonder how & why I do this newsletter?
Here's your chance! ; )

Applying Jobs-to-Be-Done to a Cold Email
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Why SaaS sales people should think like consultants
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The Build Cycle Podcast #031 - SEO Masterclass with Ezoic's Tyler Bishop - The Build Cycle
Here are the key lessons from this interview:
- Don’t ignore the low hanging fruit: catchy headlines & naming your image files
- Include relevant key words and phrases in your copy.
- Improve old content – Updating and improving content that’s already ranking on pages two and three of search results can easily push it onto page one,
- Use H2 headings to break up sections – split up content into sections and use sub-headlines to call them out.
- Don’t guess, know which keywords people are searching for – are you assuming you know why people are searching for?

Goodbye Uncanny Valley, Alan Warburton
The Uncanny Valley is that strange place where things are almost real... but not quite. After decades of innovation, we’re at the point where we can conjure just about anything with software.
The battle for photoreal CGI has been won, so the question is... what happens now?
What this video to find out! (15min)