Proud weeks over here at Twotone HQ! Two weeks into working with two new part time colleagues: Niels & Michel. (More on what we've been up to in an upcoming issue!) Not to mention this modest weekly update has earned no less that 310 subscribers in 13 weeks! Thank you for tuning in each week & keep the shoutouts and callouts coming : )
Behind the brand: Isadore on
Is it weird to be proud of a brand who's garments you've never worn & who's marketing director you've known well but never met? Maybe but Isadore deserves all the press it gets. Keep it up Jesper!
Nederlander fietst meer | The Dutch bike more
Jaarlijks legt de gemiddelde Nederlander ruim 1000 kilometer per fiets af | Each year, the average Dutch citizen cycling is more than 1,000 kilometers. They're spending more on (e)bikes too! A rough translation of the source article courtesy of google is here.
What bike commuting looks like in 12 major cities
Spoiler alert: Amsterdam is the fastest city globally ; )
Tiny Spark's new website is up!
I support @itstinyspark on projects from here in Amsterdam and am proud to see Bristol's best “business generation” agency growing!
Why Homejoy Failed
TL;DR? Prioritizing growth over revenue. But it is also not that simple. This read reminds of so many start-ups. Take a moment to learn from their mistakes in one of a series of deep dives on subjects that illuminate issues concerning the future of the workplace.
Zero To One
We want the shortcut. We want someone to give us the map without understanding the terrain but Peter Thiel explains why copying models of success might work for incremental innovation it won't move you from zero to one.
#Saleshackerams – This Thursday!
1 yr of @saleshackerams in Amsterdam! This Thursday with speakers @HylkevanderWal & @BDamme. Special shout out to Tobias & TravelBird for helping this one shape up to be the best yet!
A new project I'm just getting underway with Jakob from Your Sales. Sign up for early access here.
The 6 Steps Entrepreneurs are Missing in their Sales Calls
How can to turn networking conversations into productive sales calls? Some food for thought from Josh Turner
Build your own damn house!
I met Mark racing bikes in Atlanta. Now based in SF as the Rapha Cycle Club's lead Visual Merchandiser, he is still fast as hell. But what most people don’t know about Mark is that he lives in a 200-square foot home he built himself. Hell yeah. That's rad! Reminded me of #troublewisdom: "Build your own damn house!"
if you're worried that I'm up late sending another issue. Don't worry, a new study is challenging the notion of needing 7 hours of sleep ; )