Tough Titty said the kitty when the milk ran dry!
This classic saying came up today & reminded me that capitulation at that tough shit moment is a hardly good idea. To me, it always felt like a filler phrase to inspire acceptance that what you wanted just won't happen. But, why not?
Today, I came across this talk by Shan Blanc about “The Fight To Stay Creative”. In it, he talks about what can stifle your creativity, to give up, to move on, to quit, and to pacify your mind. Thinks like:
Isolation: Being alone from any community, any peer group, and anybody who you can bounce ideas off of [...]
Ambiguity: Having unknown goals and trying to complete them in an undefined manner with a hazy schedule. [...]
Fear & anxiety: This includes fear of failure, fear of rejection. It can paralyze us from even getting started on our ideas because we fear it will come to nothing in the end anyway. [...]
Shame: [...] When we feel shame, we shy away from our big bold ideas and the result is a self-fulfilling prophecy and we make something completely devoid of life and opinion.
Doubt: Doubting that we have the skills to make anything at all; doubting our value as a creative person.
Comparison: There is a difference between learning and gleaning from others and comparing our work to theirs. Where there is comparison there is often envy as well. And this deadly pair will choke out any originality we have. [...]
Disillusionment: This is “a feeling of disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be.” We can get disillusioned in a million ways, and often the result is a loss of vision for doing our creative work. [...]
When you encounter things on the list above, don't say tough titty, tough cookie or tough shit, keep your head up & work through, past or around it!
As always, thank you for reading,
p.s. I somehow just found this radical site:
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If you signup you get an email telling you about the project.
The Builder, a conversation with Quirk Cycles
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*hat tip to Homerun's awesome newsletter for these 3 links!
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I got a new tattoo!
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