Nº17 – Cycling, Startups & Sales


Another late Sunday night shipment breaking the #earlytobedearlytoshred mantra. 0_o

It just feels so good to ship! Speaking of which, sending newsletters is hot in Holland now!

Kristel & Céline, co-founders of Headroom Assistance, gave us a shout in their latest issue and cited a recent (dutch) NRC article in which Céline was interviewed saying this medium is a better outlet than twitter.

Can't say we disagree! Thanks, as always, for taking the time to tune in & hit reply with feedback!


How Komoot Built The Best Bike-Route Mapping App

How Komoot Built The Best Bike-Route Mapping App

It has been an exciting week for our client @Komoot. First this fastcoexist.com article on their new Optimap: an integration of rich, crowdsourced topographical data and then some well deserved BeNeLux press on Cycling.be about their Cannondale partnership.

By the way, if you're near Amsterdam & would like to catch Komoot's CEO for a coffee on potentially partnering this Monday or Tuesday, let us know!

Mobile Bike Repair in the City of Bikes

Mobile Bike Repair in the City of Bikes

Our client Veloyo is gaining speed in Amsterdam. If you live here you may wonder how does Veloyo work? Here are the 4 simple steps:

  • Visit www.veloyo.com
  • Share your bike's location and choose the service needed
  • Via their integrated chat with the mechanic you can discuss further details
  • You'll be notified when the mechanic has helped you #keepwheelsturning
The Blaze Burner

The Blaze Burner

We work with TRUE Communications to represent several brands in Europe and their client, Blaze.cc, is raising awareness around a new light: The Burner.

The Blaze team has set out to create the ultimate back light - focusing on performance, safety and simplicity and are on their way to doubling their kickstarter goal!


Resist and Thrive

Resist and Thrive

Speaking of Kickstarter, their CEO and cofounder, Yancey Strickler, kinda knocks it out of the park with this one. The Minor Threat / Dischord reference was the icing on the cake for me.

One of the commenters exclaims: "The best thing I’ve read in the past 20 years about business. It’s time we put a new spin and shape on how business looks, acts and behaves in a world where revenue will mean less compared to sustainability and creative and collaborative problem-solving."

Take 10 mins & read it.

How to Go from Lone Freelancer to Full-Fledged Entrepreneur

How to Go from Lone Freelancer to Full-Fledged Entrepreneur

"Hating to work for someone else doesn't automatically make you capable of working for yourself."


The hidden gem in this great post is the vimeo interview with Basecamp founder Jason Fried on the benefits on building a business slowly. Read Yancey's post above thentake 30mins to watch this.

Might just change your outlook more than a little.

How Vice Grew to a $4 Billion Media Powerhouse This Year

How Vice Grew to a $4 Billion Media Powerhouse This Year

I first picked up VICE in a Hannover train station in 2003. Now in 2015, the Brooklyn-based media company has officially left its alt-monthly origins in the dust. Few companies have expanded as aggressively and in so many different directions as Vice Media has this year. So how does a youth-focused media company fetch a valuation of more than $4 billion--particularly when other media companies are scrambling to stay afloat?


#SalesTips Noº3 shipped! Are you subscribed yet?

#SalesTips Noº3 shipped! Are you subscribed yet?

  • 7 steps to build a list of Ideal Clients from LinkedIN
  • (re: Ideal Customer Profile) Who Do You Want? Choose Carefully!
  • 4 quadrants to prioritize your time to sell
  • The Tools 39 Top Sales People Can't Live Without and more.
How to Kick Off Your Outbound Sales - Free Ebook by Growbots

How to Kick Off Your Outbound Sales - Free Ebook by Growbots

Cold email. Love it or hate it, it’s still the most effective way for outbound sales. In outbound sales, cold email is essential. Great tips from the team at Growbots

Remove "following up" from your vocabulary!

Remove "following up" from your vocabulary!

NYC sales pro, investor & entrepreneur; founder of the @Enterprise_Sale meetup; author Strong Opinions blog; heavy metal acoustic guitarist; dumpling aficionado, Mark Birch, simply tweeted this great advice last week. Worth it for you to take it to heart. ; )



What an amazing event on Saturday; the Rapha Hillback Century.

Our team, picture here by Sammy of Meesterknecht, managed to earn 3rd overall of 26 teams!

Check out more photos & the route on Komoot. Even more photos on instagram.

Thank you to Gerben & the Rapha team for organizing!

Thanks for Reading! Here's to asking the right questions this week!

Written by
Jon Woodroof
♥️ @Kristyspark✨, Otto, Mira, Errol, Simone, Brayden & Rowan 💡 living the dream @Workspacesix & @Twotoneams 💌 I love to send special stuff to special people weekly.
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