Hello from a night train between Arnhem & Amsterdam. I'm on my way back home after a somewhat snowy vacation with my family near Ehrwald, then Innsbruck & a quick stop in Munich for a night before boarding this train. If you're ever traveling between Amsterdam & Munich, I highly suggest going by rail. Thank you for subscribing this year! The growth of this newsletter and all the feedback has been amazing! See you in 2016! Here is an abbreviated end of year edition:
Mick Murphy - the last convict of the road | Cyclist
For all you #Festive500 contenders, remember how un-epic you are ; ) Mick Murphy drank cows' blood, rode off a concussion and worked out with rocks. Cyclist recalls one of cycling's greatest legends.
BONCHO, the bike poncho by VANMOOF
I always think of how I never saw the utility in bike ponchos until I lived in Amsterdam. They all kinda suck still though. I'm sharing this because the only thing worse than a crappy rain solution is arriving all wet. A frequent hazard in many cities. VANMOOF's BONCHO covers riders' bodies from head to toe when riding in the rain and neatly folds up for easy and compact storage. Looks awesome!
Michael Mauboussin: "The Success Equation:Untangling Skill and Luck" | Talks at Google
What role, exactly, do skill and luck play in our successes and failures? Some games, like roulette and the lottery, are pure luck. Others, like chess, exist at the other end of the spectrum, relying almost wholly on players' skill.
'Grote bedrijven zijn ten dode opgeschreven' / 'Big Companies are Doomed
Here is the translation via Google into English. Essentially, massive companies' days are numbered. Some encouraging thoughts for the littler players in the game ; )
Your Speech Is Packed With Misunderstood, Unconscious Messages - Facts So Romantic - Nautilus
Imagine standing up to give a speech in front of a critical audience. As you do your best to wax eloquent, someone in the room uses…
7 Steps for Dealing with an Angry Prospect | SalesLoft
How do you deal with an angry prospect? Every situation is unique, but here are seven steps to handle the situation with grace, patience, and positivity.
7 Steps for Dealing with an Angry Prospect | SalesLoft
How do you deal with an angry prospect? Every situation is unique, but here are seven steps to handle the situation with grace, patience, and positivity.
I'm getting my latest start yet on the #Festive500 this year (click image above for my best rides & highlights on Komoot this year) . I am contemplated my biggest ride yet. A solid #inonego 500km planned on Komoot. Previously, I've tackled 300km over night across Florida with no problem. Tune in next week to see how I do!