◔‿◔ Nº268 Back on Track 🔙🔛🛤️

After a two-month hiatus, the Twotone newsletter is back on track with a late summer event agenda, links to insightful articles, inspiring interviews, films, and more! Thank you for reading & subscribing!
◔‿◔ Nº268 Back on Track  🔙🔛🛤️
Twotone team dinner welcoming Paula & saying goodbye to Bob & Lara. Puck's son, George also joined!
Table of Contents

Good evening & good afternoon!

Since issue Nº267, quite a few people have signed up, making this their first issue. Welcome! Please do hit reply & share your feedback if you'd like to! : )

Even though summer's sunset is still over a month away, I'm rebooting the weekly aspiration of this nearly 300-issue tradition like it's a back-to-school assignment that's overdue! Expect to hear from me again next Sunday too ; )

Two months ago, I sent the last issue from a homeward-bound Deutsche Bahn ICE train after spending the weekend with my son & daughter in Basel, Switzerland. That felt like a kickoff to their annual 8-week return to Europe. We had an amazing summer full of all kinds of adventures. I'm very grateful for the memories! (Here are some in 35mm)

I've decided also to share that things took a bummer turn (for me) last month while on vacation with the whole family in Torino, Italy. I had to make a 4 am emergency room visit on July 21st. This canceled my intended multi-day cyclo tour adventure with Otto & Mira back to Amsterdam & involved a suprapubic catheter, a blood infection & a few nights in the hospital. Gnarly! Boy, am I glad Kristy was there to look out for and care for me! ❤️

The reason? Acute urinary retention, i.e., I couldn't pee due to a urethral stricture + infection. The cause? Well, xrays show narrowing from scarring in the bulbar portion of the tube from my bladder. I know I've had several solid inadvertent hits from my saddle over the years and most recently in Greece during the Hellenic Mountain Race. This just happened to come to a dramatic culmination while on holiday.

I'll spare you specifics but will say that I plan to be more open about my experience to be a resource about this topic. I've had a weak stream peeing for many years and should have addressed this much sooner. Expect an episode of The Mechanics of Joy with potentially a urologist this year. In the meantime, I'm certainly doing fine, in good spirits & will be scheduling a procedure to repair the damage in the coming months.

In other news, here are some definitely more upbeat & exciting updates since the last issue:

Thank you, once again, to all the new subscribers for signing up! : )

And thank you all, as always, for reading & sharing this newsletter,


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Bike Analytics: Evaluation Of The Bikes Silk Road Mountain Race 2023

Typically not a numbers guy, but I do love these breakdowns, especially for seeing trends.
115 solo riders and 16 pairs set off to cover 1,879km and 31,690m in altitude in Kyrgyzstan at the Silk Road Mountain Race . This time the start is in Karakul, in the east of the country, and leads over 14 passes higher than 3,000m.

Martin, who has riding experience spanning 30 years, 52 countries & over 90,000 kilometers, really smashes these gear analyses. And his entire website is a tremendous resource.

More SRMR content below with a race founder Nelson Trees interview & you know I love the rigs of the race post on Bikepacking too. Track the dots of the race here.

Quite the duel between Justinas & Sofiane on the front! I'm rooting for several at the race, including Max Riese, Quinda Verheul, Erik Arnewing & Allan Shaw!

Bespoked Exhibitor Registration

Exhibitor Registration - Bespoked
EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION Join us in Dresden, Germany This year’s BESPOKED will be taking place at Dresden Intl. Airport, Oct 13th-15th 2023. If you are interested in exhibiting at Bespoked 2023, please register your interest below. 2023 INTEREST
MADE.BIKE is right around the corner on the calendar but far from Europe. October is close too & Dresden even more so! Everyone at Twotone is super excited about this 1st inaugural European edition of Bespoked! The list of builders and brands already on board looks great!

Founder Roundtable: The Rise of Subscription

I had the opportunity to moderate a panel on "The Rise of Subscription" with co-founders of Swapfiets, Dance, Whee!, and Comodule. Thank you to the Micromobility Conference for the opportunity and to Kristy for arranging it! If you'd prefer to listen, it is also on Spotify.


An Anthropological Glimpse into Entrepreneurial Behavior

Anthropologist Joost Beuving recently published a book, "Theorizing Entrepreneurship for The Future." In the book, he analyzes how entrepreneurs view the future:

"Entrepreneurial behavior is really about 'future work': everything entrepreneurs do to get a grip on the future, which of course is always uncertain. Consider, for instance, how they talk about the future, their habits to cope with uncertainty and their social practices, such as collaborations that they pursue or conflicts that arise in doing business."

How to Grow a THRIVING Business in the Bike Industry

I love interviews like this! Swift Industries has always been a company I've admired & this interview is really a treat to learn about how they've grown over the course of 15 years. 

Jon Woodroof on The Public Relations Podcast: Influencing a Niche Industry

I was interviewed by Richard Midson for his podcast recently, and I'm excited to share it here. An excerpt from his newsletter recaps our convo too:

Lesson 1: Authenticity Breeds Credibility – One of the most significant advantages of living and breathing the industry you promote is the credibility it brings. When you genuinely use and believe in the products or services you endorse, it becomes much easier to engage in meaningful conversations with customers and clients because you know the nuances and speak the language. they use. There are no gaps in the experience you give.
Lesson 2: Building Genuine Relationships – Jon emphasized the importance of building genuine relationships with clients, influencers, athletes, and editors. The agency goes on rides or trips with them so that they get to connect as friends, rather than in a business environment. To the agency it's not "investing the time to build connections", it's just having fun. Being part of the topic's community makes everything personal.
Lesson 3: Being Helpful, Not Just Seeking Coverage – Jon emphasised something that I am a big fan of. Don't just contact a journalist or reporter when you need something. Do it whenever you can help them. Subscribe to media outlets and feeds and interact with journalists in a personal and meaningful way all the time, not just when you have a pressing agenda. by offering valuable insights and assistance all the time, you build stronger relationships.
Lesson 4: Creative Storytelling – When you have to promote a product (bicycles) which is very similar to every other product in the niche, trying to pitch a product simply as a new product can prove hard. So Jon focuses on tying it into a larger story, such as an acquisition or a merger. This story carries the main message.


The Rider's Saddle: building the SRMR with Nelson Trees

I'm fortunate to call Nelson a friend & grateful to have ridden the 1st SRMR, AMR & HMR races! What a radical interview with lots of backstories! Props to Tristan for asking the right questions.

From Bike Messenger to Sponsored Athlete - The Changing Gears Podcast [Ep 44]

Great interview with Chas by David Zimberoff of SRAM. Quite a long one but lots of overlap with my life on the bike going back to ~2005, which means heaps of nostalgia & inspiration for sure!

Save the Swager! Bilenky Cycle Works' Crowdfunding

"Stephen here for Bilenky Cycle Works; after 3 years of operating through and after Covid we are figuratively and literally in debt to friends, family, current and previous workers, and the US Govt. (SBA non-forgivable EIDL loan) Everyone would like to see some payback, especially the SBA. We would love to get on an even keel and keep repairing, refurbishing and building cool bikes. One solution was to sell our least used, but the most valuable machine - the tube swager."
Help save the swager here!


Two Prototypes on Two Prototypes - Bohemian Border Bash Race | Ultra Cycling Documentary

Marc and Matze did the BBB Race the same year I did in 2021. It was tough. But like they say in the intro, this docu makes it look too easy. What a fun film to watch! Also: happy bday, Marc!
The BBB Camp is less than a month away! Hope to see you there!
Here's to getting the weekly newsletter back on track this week!

Written by
Jon Woodroof
♥️ @Kristyspark✨, Otto, Mira, Errol, Simone, Brayden & Rowan 💡 living the dream @Workspacesix & @Twotoneams 💌 I love to send special stuff to special people weekly.
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