( ꈍᴗꈍ) Nº286 Assess Your Success With More Than a Guess 📈🤔

Nº286: Quirk's framebuilding course, SILCA tire & wheel tips & a Henna Palosaari interview. Being good at riding bikes isn’t enough, selling (the skill no one taught you) & Escape Collective Farms. Carlos' Lightweight shoot, Dario's secret strategies, Graeme's Brompton & Erik's 29k new kilometers!
( ꈍᴗꈍ) Nº286 Assess Your Success With More Than a Guess 📈🤔
Last week, my friend Matthew Burton visited the office with Northern School of Art students.
Table of Contents

It felt great to be 'back in the mix' over the weekend for the 1st time since the Twotone 9-year. One of my greatest pleasures is to facilitate & participate in the local cycling community. And Saturday was exactly that and a blast!

Considering January had its share of stress, 2024's first month was also a great reminder that holding your line is a consistent way to ensure you'll be fine.

What do I mean by that? Well, our funnel for new work had gotten a little sparse, and recently, we realized (perhaps overlooked due in no small part to our historically healthy inbound stream of referred leads) that our new website had no contact page. 🙈

I was determined to make one & did so last week. It includes a virtual office tour. (Check it out) The irony? It wasn't the page that was missing, it was the involvement!

As we start our week with several new business meetings on the agenda, I wonder if the lull was exacerbated by surgery recovery & inability to ride, the winter break, or simply a sleepy start to the year, but after Velofollies, a few issues of the newsletter, and a weekend of bike events, the realization was clear that sharing our stoke for cycling is what got Twotone this far and will continue to! ...Now we're just easier to reach as well. 😉

I hope to see you all soon Workspace Six on Feb 24 for a screening of ‘Silk Road Cargo Race’ with Allan Shaw in town for a ride + Q&A after the film! (More info & flyer soon!)

As always, thank you for reading,


p.s. this week's when in doubt lead yourself outta self-doubt subject line was inspired by Ghost.org's recent Newsletter Resolutions post with ideas about measuring your metrics, interesting stories & ideas, and ways to workout your writing.

Camille McMillan will join The Mechanics of Joy Thursday at 2pm
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Quirk Cycles: Framebuilding Course, Titan & Accursed Race

Rob recently sent his first newsletter. (You can sign up at the bottom of his website.) He is offering not only a very cool 5-Day Frame Building Experience but also for those looking to finally pull the trigger on a custom Quirk frame: participants in the Accursed are applicable for 10% off until 09/02/2024! Race applications end. Applications to race the first edition close on 31st January at 23:59GMT.

Top 5 Biggest Tire & Wheel Mistakes You Shouldn't Make

Josh and the team at SILCA have been upping their impressive & informative as ever YouTube episodes and you'll be wheelie glad you checked this one out! ; )

Henna Palosaari Interviewed on Cyclespeak

Henna Palosaari / Outside
Growing up in the north of Finland, the weather was never something to complain about. If it was -20°C, Henna Palosaari simply put on more layers. A remarkable relationship with the outdoors that h…

I've featured Chris at Cyclespeak's interviews before and this one with Henna, who was also recently featured for her role in the Ride to Ski film, is a great read with an inspiring story with everything from useful advice, a surprise career change and behind-the-scenes anecdotes.


Being Good at Riding Bikes isn’t Enough Anymore

Being Good at Riding Bikes isn’t Enough Anymore
Why athletes need more than just results to land contracts

"Most marketing organizations operate off some version of a “PESO” media model. PESO stands for: 1 Paid: Media that a brand pays to promote. 2 Earned: Media that is written about a brand or athlete. 3 Shared: Media that results from a collaboration between a combination of brand, athlete and media outlet. 4 Owned: Media that a brand creates themselves." An illuminating read. Dive in.

Selling: The Crucial Skill Nobody Taught You

"The legendary car salesman Joe Girard was considered one of the best in history. His secret? Building relationships by genuinely liking people and telling them." Apropos this week's intro! This is a nice reminder from Shane at Farnam Street.

As the media world burns, head to Escape Collective Farms

"Sports Illustrated is basically dead; Pitchfork, the venerable music title now owned by Condé Nast, has been cut off at the knees and its head is probably next; The LA Times, owned by a billionaire, laid off 115 journalists. The middle of the media ecosystem — basically everything in between the solo bloggers on Substack and the New York Times — is being hollowed out. " Caley from Escape Collective penned a somber yet entertaining evaluation of the tough times for media but also the nice niche for the middle "where culture is made rather than discovered."


Carlos of Faustkeil's Lightweight Obermeyer Photoshoot

I'm always happily observing campaigns & content created by my friends with the idea of sharing their work here. Carlos has been sharing some great videos on his Instagram, and this recent campaign for Lightweight nails the vibe, mood & attitude that these wheels exude.

Dario Nucci's Three Secret Strategies For Creativity

My three secret strategies for creativity.
In this guide, learn how to fuel creative growth in your career with these three failsafe tactics I’ve gained over 20 years, that turn limitations into features.

"1. NOT knowing the rules is good. 2. Actively find outside influences.3. Spread your information sources" Always enjoy Dario's posts! : )

Years Together | Graeme Raeburn & his 2008 Brompton

Graeme is a legend. Someone I've admired since his Rapha days & certainly during our time working with Albion. I share his Brompton passion. Hard to imagine how I got on without one!


Meet The Man Who Rode More New Roads Than Anyone Else!

Erik, aka @Truemarmalade, first made an appearance in the Twotone newsletter in Oct. 2020 in Nº206 for his amazing Studio Ghibli Swift Campout contribution. To say he's come a long way since then is such an understatement. More than 32,000 kilometers in 2023 & 29.151.17 of those were new kilometers that he had never ridden before. So wild! Read the story here.
Thank you very much for reading!
Here's to not having to guess when you assess your success this week!

Written by
Jon Woodroof
♥️ @Kristyspark✨, Otto, Mira, Errol, Simone, Brayden & Rowan 💡 living the dream @Workspacesix & @Twotoneams 💌 I love to send special stuff to special people weekly.
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