(❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡ Nº302 Do What You Do Best & Outsource The Rest 👨🏻‍🔧 🥇

7 Days till Eurobike! Is time management even real? Our clients at cycling's biggest show & Pedal For Pride. Print mags are thriving, EVs cause more dying & geopolitics of social cohesion. Slow Spin Society interviews Aaron, Team Dream in Italy, Chris Distefano pivots & Yorkshire Post Feather film.
Table of Contents

Recently, I was feeling a bit frustrated that I hadn't yet put a reel together from our recent visit to Moustache Bikes. But Ronald's is epically better anyway. Do I even still need to make one? After reading Jason Fried's recent post about having less to do, maybe I don't have to, afterall.

As I've been scrambling for time recently, this quote stopped me in my tracks:

“There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.” – Peter Drucker

I can't endorse all of Drucker's philosophies but Jason Fried's? Maybe! I don't think he's ever lied! I took a look, and I've referenced him at least 5 times:

"Hating to work for someone else doesn't automatically make you capable of working for yourself." – Jason Fried

Seem like a theme? Here's the scoop:

  • Time-management hacks, life hacks, sleep hacks, and work hacks, all aspiring to rearrange your daily patterns, aren’t the problem. Too much shit to do is the problem.
  • ⚖️ It’s not time management; it’s obligation elimination.
  • 🔪 Be ruthless about eliminating either work that doesn’t need to be done or work you don’t want to do. (For me, Puck at Get Your Things Done is invaluable for the last part! Thank you, Puck!)
  • ⏰ Time isn’t something that can be managed. Time is time—it rolls along at the same pace regardless of how you try to wrestle with it.

These ideas from his LinkedIn post & more can be found in his book "It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work"

I'll do my best to take Jason's & my own advice. It sure does sound nice!

as always, thank you for reading, and have a good rest of the week,


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Twotone & Our Clients at Eurobike 2024!

Our Eurobike overview is online! This year, we're at the show with SILCA, Bespoked, Omnium, Super 73, Old Man Mountain & Procraft! Click thru for the full scoop!

HANDMADE Area at Eurobike 24 Co-Organized with Bespoked

HANDMADE at Eurobike 2024
Following the success of BESPOKED 2023 in Dresden, we were approached by our friends at Eurobike to help launch the Eurobike HANDMADE area for the first time this year. It was a happy accident that this year’s BESPOKED Manchester show 28-30th June, ended up being the weekend before Eurobike, with a number of our exhibitors exhibiting at both BESPOKED and Eurobike. As usual, the biggest bike show on earth is set to have something for everyone, but this year, with the addition of the HANDMADE area

I'm really excited about this! Wishing Petor, Rosie & the team all the best over the weekend in Manchester! See you soon in Frankfurt!

Pedal For Pride Amsterdam | 21 July, 2024

Pedal For Pride is an initiative to raise awareness, create connections and celebrate Pride in cycling. During Queer Amsterdam Pride Week, Queer Wheels will host its annual Pride Ride in collaboration with Pride + Sports and We Are Queer. The ride will end at our office! : )


In a Digital Age, High-End Outdoors Magazines Are Thriving in Print

Magazines spaced out on what looks to be a spiral metal contraption.
Print is dead! Long live print! Shame on John Branch for not mentioning The Bikepacking Journal! ; ) But in all seriousness, a great read! Now subscribe to a magazine!

Electric cars more likely to hit pedestrians than petrol vehicles

Electric cars more likely to hit pedestrians than petrol vehicles, study finds
Electric and hybrid vehicles are quieter than cars with combustion engines, making them harder to hear, especially in urban areas

Electric cars are here to save the car industry. Bikes will save the world.

The Geopolitics Of Social Cohesion

The Geopolitics Of Social Cohesion | NOEMA
Social media is pushing liberal societies to their outer limits.

"Haidt’s primary concern is the damage smartphone-driven social media is doing to children, substituting virtual in-experience for physical interplay with unlike-minded others, depriving them of the skills to cope in a diverse society, stealing their attention and inducing a level of anxiety that has led to an alarming surge of mental illness, including depression, self-harm and suicide among teens." Real talk.


Slow Spin Society Interview #102: Engineering Excellence with Aaron Panone (44RN)

#102  Engineering Excellence with Aaron Panone (44RN)
This show was recorded back in February at the Twotone office in Amsterdam. They discuss Aaron's design approach for cycling gear, including his renowned chainrings and sunglasses. As well as, the vast gap between conceiving a product and actually bringing it to production. Lastly, they also delve into how his move from Boston to Amsterdam affected his life and business. Listen here.

Visit The Team Dream Pop-Up in the Alps This Summer

Team Dream will be in Tirano, Italy this June - August! Click here to learn more! I'm hoping I can get down to visit before they head back to the Cub House in LA!

In 2022, Chris Distefano pivoted

Chris DiStefano on LinkedIn: In 2022 I pivoted. Maybe I was prescient about the state of marketing… | 23 comments
In 2022 I pivoted. Maybe I was prescient about the state of marketing communications to come or maybe it was just my feeling of personal expiration with the… | 23 comments on LinkedIn

I've known Chris since his Rapha days when I had my bike shop, circa 2007 or '08. I'm not the only one who found this post inspiring! A reminder that you can still switch gears after many years!


Yorkshire Post Features Film Ricky Feather


A film @novastudiosltd made for the Yorkshire Post featuring Ricky Feather where he talks about the history of Feather Cycles and where that journey began. Watch it on insta here. Great work, Ricky!

Thank you very much for reading!
Here's to doing what you do best & outsourcing the rest this week!
Written by
Jon Woodroof
♥️ @Kristyspark✨, Otto, Mira, Errol, Simone, Brayden & Rowan 💡 living the dream @Workspacesix & @Twotoneams 💌 I love to send special stuff to special people weekly.
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