Amsterdam has its first ever Bicycle Mayor!
Initiated by CycleSpace in Amsterdam earlier this year, the Bicycle Mayor Program will work to move all aspects of cycling in cities from the fringes into the mainstream. This is part of a bigger initiative to accelerate the shift from car-centric to human-centric cities,
Here's a great video in Dutch about what Amsterdam's new Bicycle Mayor, Anna Luten, has planned. People around the world are tweeting about it. Even before she can get started Amsterdam has banned Beer Bikes. ; )
Pretty cool stuff, right? But what if you don't live here? Well, for when you do come to visit, here is a How To for cycling (and walking) in Amsterdam.
As always, thanks for reading!

westcoastclassic – Een tour door de tijd
Cycling is inextricably linked to the Westland. No day without bikers making their round. Through an area with beautiful vistas, hidden treasures and a rich history. The West Coast Classic is a retro journey through ancient and modern monuments of Westland and environs
Join the ride on Saturday, September 3, 2016

Like the Wiener Fahrradschau on Facebook
After 7 successful years enjoying worldwide attention and international attendance, Europe’s most authentic, engaging and exciting bike show, the Berliner Fahrrad Schau, is coming to Austria! Click like on FB.

The seven best rides in the world | 1843
Here are the roads that no rider should miss. Reminds me of Café du Cycliste's Last Ride series.

10 Business Lessons Learned From the Founders of America's Biggest Wine Brand
Innovative ideas and methods were adopted to overcome obstacles and create new markets.

Work Like You're About to Go on Vacation
Remember: done is better than perfect.

10 highly practical startup marketing tips
Sounds like clickbait, right? A “listicle”, questionable facts loosely stitched together only to get you to visit.

Here's one way to become a worse sales leader: just let your reps get really good at clicking automation buttons
Are quickly approaching the death of the average salesperson? Because robots can do a 'decent' job of selling and if you can't do better than 'decent' then we don't need you. Besides, who is telling sales reps this is a good idea?

I'm killing most of my email capture. Here's why.
"In a desire to feel important and appreciated, people jump the gun and try to collect attention before they deserve it."
The best writers don't need to constantly demand your attention, you'll happily give it to them.
Building a winning sales team with limited resources
"I’ve seen it a thousand times. The most talented salespeople outperformed by inexperienced salespeople. Why? Because grit and determination adds up over time."

#schwarzwaldgiro2016 was the best yet!
This past week was the annual Schwarzwald Giro in Freiburg Germany. It is organized by my old friend Philipp with whom I went to school with as an exchange student FIFTEEN years ago! I kept my tradition of always bringing a different bike every year and was on my My Wild Love rolling on HIFIs.
Day 1 / 100km / 1900m of climbing –
Always awesome to be rolling and suffering with so many friends old and new. The possibilities for incredible climbs are endless in this area. Spirits even remained high despite driving rain that drenched everyone completed as we rolled into Menzenschwand im Schwarzwald. Day 1 was a primer for a brutal day 2.
Day 2 / 126km / 2700m of climbing –
We started a punishing stretch back into Freiburg under a bright sun & cool morning breeze. I encountered some of my toughest moments on the bike ever. Even dismounting once on a climb. Crushed. Still, better off than my bud Max who went down in a descent on surprise debris to slice his neck on a guardrail. He got stitched up and joined us for dinner. Completely knackered, I caught a night train back to Amsterdam; already stoked suffering again with my friends in 2017!
Thank you to Philip & Dirk of for making this year the best yet!