It is even better to act quickly and err than to hesitate until the time of action is past. - Carl von Clausewitz
I say when in doubt, lead it out almost daily. Its the rhyming version of ship it! Whether its a decisive moment in battle like Mr. Clausewitz was likely referencing, in bike racing or in business; to me: this rhyming axiom has become a life motto.
In the context of leadership, an article on Harvard Business Review reminded me to focus less on consistency and rather to confidently embrace paradoxes that make decisions difficult. HBR is always a bit wordy but this post from last summer catches my drift perfectly. In their words:
"...consistency is far from a necessary virtue—indeed, it’s a vice, keeping leaders from successfully dealing with strategic paradoxes."
"[Leaders] must be humble, even vulnerable, admitting that they might not know what the future holds. This approach emphasizes the value of experimentation and failure, spurring critical feedback to enable learning and ongoing adjustments."
The paradoxical tension between conflicting goals is a theme below in 37 Signals' 'Why we choose profit' post as well.
What do you think? Does the merit of a just ship it mentality at the expense of organizational consistency in the interest of learning and ongoing adjustments hold water?
As always, thank you for reading!
with appreciation,
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Ronde van de Orteliusstraat
This legendary local crit is returning to Amsterdam!
Reminds me of the vibe you feel in Athens, GA during Twilight. So stoked!
Nutty system takes a sideways glance at bike security
It's safe to say that most people lock their bike up with it sitting in an upright position. Realizing this, the folks at Abus went and created a system called NutFix. Once it's installed, the only way of removing a bicycle's wheels and/or seat involves turning the whole bike on its side.

Soigneur - 10 Reasons to head to Berlin for the Fahrradschau!
Read why I'm stoked to be back in Berlin next week! Who else is gonna be in town for the show?
And that Friday morning I'll be out with Chimp Bars & Podia. Join us!
p.s. other shows that should be on your radar? Peek this list at
A compilation of subtle principles that drive design decisions
"Design Principles of your product should tell you, your team and stakeholders which directions you should be going in the tough choices. They should focus on what distinct your product from others, how it feels and what is important for the business and your customers."
Epic 20min read from Anton Badashov of Muzli

Why we choose profit
37Signals is outspoken about running a profitable company in an industry that so often eschews profits for potential. So why? People ask us them all the time. Why choose profit?

A Dozen Lessons on Growth
Every business must accomplish a range of objectives to be successful:
- Measuring financial metrics,
- Marketing products,
- Optimizing products to enable the business to grow.

The Jedi Mind Trick for Salespeople
Persuasion is often thought of as convincing someone else to do or say what another wants But persuasion is more about prompting someone to see why they might want what you want.
This is a powerful tool in sales, and can be used to help close more deals.

The Scientific Way To Get Meetings With Decision-Makers
Many email marketers tout a high open rate as good thing. However, a high open rate is only useful if it generates a high response rate.

Take Command of the New LinkedIn User Interface with Brynne Tillman
The new LinkedIn UI has been giving us headaches at the office for about a week...
This is a great overview of what's different and what's stayed the same.

Coast to Coast by Marius Nilsen
My bud Marius Nilsen recently shared photos from his bikepacking solo ride of 650km in 3 days across Norway.
So rad!