“Whatever else each of us derives from our work, there may be nothing more precious than the feeling that we truly matter — that we contribute unique value to the whole, and that we’re recognized for it. … Feeling genuinely appreciated lifts people up.” – Tony Schwartz 'Why Appreciation Matters So Much'
I first quoted Tony all the way back in Issue Nº19! But the theme then was efficiency and not the efficacy of compliments as a tactic. I also touched on this when discussing taboos back in Issue 83 only 5 weeks ago. Remember? ; )
Scientists have shown that people actually perform better when they receive more compliments. An HBR study showed that the highest performing teams gave each other 5 compliments for every criticism.
I agree with what Mr. Schwartz wrote about appreciation back in 2012 and have recap'd his points below:
- Do No Harm – ok, eventually you'll screw up & harm something or someone. But even in situations in which someone has fallen short of a goal, appreciate the effort & help them change their behavior for the better vs. devaluing them.
- Start With Yourself – do you find it tough to publicly appreciate others? Red flag: is it also hard to appreciate yourself? Each day to ask yourself: “What can I rightly feel proud of today?” & then up your game: “What could I do better tomorrow?”
- Notice What Others Do Right – Practice makes perfect. What things do you currently take for granted about the efforts of those around you? Ask yourself: "what is it that each of them uniquely brings to the table?" Let them know you notice!
- Don't Hate, Appreciate – Nowadays its cool to troll & player hate. That's easy & destructive. Go the extra mile: a handwritten is magic and even an email or a passing comment can mean so much.
Schwarz closes with the somber reality that we're all more vulnerable and needy than we like to imagine. It is also my experience that taking the time to appreciate others even makes you feel better about yourself and the work you do.
The fact is others will likely invest more in their work and in you too. At the end of the day, "genuine gratitude can define a brand in a way no website, marketing campaign, or blog post can."
As always, thank you for reading!
with appreciation,
❤️ this? Please tweet it, share on LinkedIn or post on FB. Dank je!
Remember me mentioning Speedvagen coming to Europe? Dates are up! So RSVP!
W/// Sport Lolo – Breadwinner Cycles
Just over a week left onBreadwinner's Sport Lolo! I dig the motorsport-inspired paint scheme & Ritchey bar/stem combo option! Nice work Tony & Ira!
I recently heard from this French cycling apparel brand designed in Annecy, France. Their jerseys are made from recycled plastic bottles!
Read more about them & their philosophy: matchycycling.com/en/content/6-our-philosophy
Come explore and ride with the guys of Pure Cycles. Started by 3 childhood friends, Pure Cycles is the place to be. This Burbank office/wearhouse is...
Entrepreneur just posted this video or our client Pure Cycles LA HQ. We're getting the word out about their new bikes coming to Europe this week.
Building a startup? Build an audience, first.
An audience-first strategy helps with:
- Recruiting 💍
- When you’re pre-product + pre-traction, it’s difficult to convince anyone (technical or not) to join.
- User Acquisition 👋🏼
- Acquisition is difficult pre AND post-product. Sooner you can de-risk this the better.
- Research 🕵🏼
- Audience-building leads to customer development and a better understanding of who you’re building for.
Solid post from Ryan Hoover. To everyone reading this: thank you for being a member of Twotone's audience & one of our 1st 1k+ true fans! 🙏
Uprise Festival Europe 5
"I strongly believe that to innovate, you must be open minded and that why probably many organisations really struggle to innovate. As it goes against the grain, culture, methodologies, processes and hierarchies."
- Joao of digitalsalutem.com was on one of the two panels I joined at last week's Uprise Festival. And wrote a great recap.
In the past I've done workshops on sales and mederated panels on PR. This year was maybe the most ecletic yet and a joy to attend. Here are some photos by Harvey Wilson of reulo.com.
Elad Blog: Building VC Relationships
A common mistake founders make is to try to meet VCs to "build relationships" a month or two before going out for a series A or series B fundraise.
Iteration makes you better, not repetition.
It hurts, but it rings true to me, and probably to you, too. I've tried to conform to things I didn't believe in because I thought "well, that's just how things are done.". But maybe there is a case for being the outlier, the one who doesn't fit it.
A gentle reminder to march to the beat of your own drum despite all the 10 ten lists & 'How To's' that your read. The latest issue of Let's be fwends is good!
The last mile
A spin on this for me in sales is ensuring the next action has a date assigned. If the ball is in my court or the client, we know when it will get passed.
PRO TIP: sign up for his newsletter.
Jon Miller, sales spam, and the F8 of Facebook
In this week’s episode of VB Engage, VentureBeat's weekly podcast, Stewart and Travis interview Engagio’s Jon Miller, who cofounded Marketo. Jon has a few things to say about sales spam and how to create real, human connections at scale. Worth a listen!
OUT NOW: GRAN FONDO Issue #004 – Time
What lasts for longer? The suffering as you grind your way up the pass, the sense of relief as you crest the col or the anticipation of the final few metres before the finish? Perhaps even the satisfaction of finishing, or the eagerness to retell the story once you get home? Time is always relative and we have the sole responsibility for how we perceive it.
Enjoy Gran Fondo Issue 4 for FREE here: granfondo-cycling.com/now-gran-fondo-issue-004-time/
See you guys in Basel!