(و ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و Nº307 The Higher You Go, The Less You Know 🔝 🤏

David Arnoux biz wisdom, SRMR rigs, Jenny Tough race nostalgia & 📈 womens' PRO peloton wages. 'Hopefulness Is the Warrior Emotion,' Negronis with Nord With Nicky Reardon & wireless shifting can be hacked. Steven Barrow goes solo, Off The Map & RAAMWERK, Alex's Futomaki Disc & 8000WATT x BERGAMONT!
Table of Contents

9 years ago, I was one of the early freelance members of a local company called Growth Tribe and did a talk on their behalf about Sales Hacks. (Seriously, watch the presentation here!) Twotone was a mere 5 months old & it was a pretty wild time getting my company rolling! I'm very grateful to have been a part of Growth Tribe back then and have followed them ever since.

Well, recently, David Arnoux took the helm as CEO and shared a mega post of wisdom about growth, marketing & business . Not only did it inspire this week's title but I also opted to pick my favorite quips for this week's intro:

🌧️ "It's a gloomy period; you're not alone, sales cycles 2x longer, deals 2x smaller"
🌱 "Over-nurture existing customers. Easier to make business and impact from existing clients than perpetually chasing Net New
🆕 Net New? Cherish every lead, email, MQL. They're people with true pains and JTBD, not just numbers. Remind yourself this
📈 Got problems? Sales solves (almost) everything
💰 Paid channels = exploding costs (even with real-time bidding)
🤳 Is organic reach dead-ish on all social media platforms?
💻 SEO never dies (even though we announce it’s death every 6 months)
📧 Email marketing never dies (Lindy Effect)
🙇🏻 Stop changing strat/tactics every 6 months coz it’s not paying off yet. You’re not giving them enough time to perform
📝 Consistently create content that’s authentic & not too polished (real). this drastically counter the GenAI content wave. Go punk or go home
🤝 In-person channels making a huge comeback, massive appetite
💬 Channels I’m excited about (communities, substacks, founder-led content, livestreams for b2c, physical events, offline marketing)
🗓️ Long-termism wins
👩🏻‍💻 Deep work = a competitive advantage
🧠 Basic human psychology still and always applies. We are driven by fear + hope + comfort
🏪 Convenience decides almost everything your clients/prospects do- People’s attention spans are not dying (long form content never did so good), you’re just bad at captivating it
📊 The pareto principle (80/20 power law) is a fractal law = also a 64/4 rule: 4% gets you 64% of results and so forth. Find that 4%
🧮 Most founders, marketers, product owners (bit less) and commercial people are still not financially literate enough beyond CAC and CLTV (margins, ebitda, contributions to overhead, capex, etc etc)
🤖 GenAI is not just hype, you just don't get it
💡 The higher you go the less you know. Can't run a business if you don’t spend time in the trenches/details and even more time talking to customers (weekly)
❤️‍🔥 What a time to be alive

Whew! And that's an excerpt! I hope you found that as thought-provoking as me!

with appreciation,


Upcoming Events

Save the Date! Twotone Turns 10 | Nov. 29!

The next episode of The Mechanics of Joy with Ben Hillsdon, Global Communications Manager at Canyon will be Sept 12!


Rigs of the 2024 Silk Road Mountain Race

Hannah Simon's Ti Chumba Sendero. She added an Old Man Mountain rack to get the weight off the front end. I love these rig reviews. The times are a changin' tho! No rim brakes to be seen! 😭

Jenny Tough reflects on her SRMR '21 Win

Reflecting on the SRMR ’21 Win
Hallucinations and mind tricks in Kyrgyzstan

Apparently the Silk Road nostalgia didn't just hit me! Jenny's newsletter is always worth a read and this one is no different!

From €75 per month to a top salary: women's cycling is moving forward

Van €75 per maand naar een topsalaris: vrouwenwielrennen snelt vooruit
Dankzij toenemende populariteit en groeiende media-aandacht trapt het vrouwenpeloton stevig door in de sportwereld. De rensters moesten van ver komen.

"Thanks to increasing popularity and growing media attention, the women's peloton is making headway in the sports world. The riders had to come from far." Lots to be stoked about regarding this year's Tour de Femmes!


Hopefulness Is the Warrior Emotion

Maybe the most inspiring link included in here in a while. I, for one, needed this reminder!

Hopefulness Is the Warrior Emotion
The musician Nick Cave was on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert earlier this week (full interview) and he read a letter from hi

Your day (week? month? year?) will impove if you take a moment to watch or read the letter.

"Unlike cynicism, hopefulness is hard-earned, makes demands upon us, and can often feel like the most indefensible and lonely place on Earth. Hopefulness is not a neutral position either. It is adversarial. It is the warrior emotion that can lay waste to cynicism. Each redemptive or loving act, as small as you like, Valerio, such as reading to your little boy, or showing him a thing you love, or singing him a song, or putting on his shoes, keeps the devil down in the hole. It says the world and its inhabitants have value and are worth defending. It says the world is worth believing in. In time, we come to find that it is so." – Nick Cave

Nº86 Negronis with Nord With Nicky Reardon

I've been impressed with James & his company Fohr since fohrever and this interview caught my eye especially because of the quote below. Nicky's "You before I” idea is key!

“You don’t build community unless you can appeal to somebody who doesn’t know who you are yet” – Nicky Reardon on Negroni's with Nord

Wired's article about how wireless shifting can be hacked.

Want to Win a Bike Race? Hack Your Rival’s Wireless Shifters
Researchers discovered a technique that would allow anyone with a few hundred dollars to hack into wireless gear-shifting systems used by top cycling teams at events like the Tour de France.

Its a paywall so here's the subreddit chatter & Cycling Weekly article with the scoop.


Answering the call! Steven Barrow, Creative Director at Studio INFMS!

After nearly 5 years at Patagonia & subsequently 4 at Specialized, Steven Barrow has announced his independent role as Creative Director at Studio INFMS! Check out the Studio INFMS which creates outdoor event experiences, builds custom adventure bikes, drops monthly DJ sets and serves some incredible specialty coffee. Best of luck, Steven!

Off The Map Bike Shop & RAAMWERK Team Up for a Maastricht Social Ride

grouprides.cc - Off The Map x RAAMWERK social road ride in Maastricht at 24.08.2024
Join RAAMWERK and Off The Map for a beautiful, social road ride in Limburg. Expect some serious hills and views to slow down for. We’ll ride about 95 kilometres, maybe stop for a coffee and will finish enjoy some well deserved food and drinks back at Off The Map. This is also the perfect moment to ask anything you want to know about the frames and philosophy.Meet up 12:00 hrs. Depart: 13:00 hrs.

I saw the heads up about this event on 24 August with our friend Cyril's new shop Off The Map in RAAMWERK's newsletter. There is another one pending at Repack in Utrecht on Sept 18th too.

Cicli Bonanno Futomaki Disc – Bold Will Hold

Readers’ Rides: Cicli Bonanno Futomaki Disc – Bold Will Hold – Alex Bethge & Sean Talkington
Alex Bethge breaks down the inspiration behind his new custom Cicli Bonanno Futomaki Disc. With bold lines and an eye toward sustainability, he commissioned a bike meant to last and withstand the ever-changing tides of the bike industry. The old saying, “Bold will hold″ has been around for ages in the world of tattoos for a reason: clean lines, bold black shading, and solid color will last a long time. Black pigment lasts longest in the skin and without black, a tattoo is more prone to fade and lose its shape over time. The same goes for custom bikes –…

My friend Alex at Hunt Wheels wrote about his Bonanno Futomaki on the Radavist. Learn more about Nico Bonanno's approach to the new Futomaki Disc ICR on his website.



Hell yeah! #carryshitolympics meets Immer Großes Blatt! "Julien Ted Riganti is a designer, content creator, cyclist, and the face behind 8000watt. He has designed this special edition E-Cargoville LJ in the typical 8000watt colors: neon yellow and black. The design was realized by Studio Coat in Berlin. The result is a very personal transport solution for Julien in the streets of Berlin and an e-cargo bike that really stands out." More info: https://www.bergamont.com/e-cargovill... Design: https://www.8000watt.com/ Paint job: https://studio-coat.de/

Thank you very much for reading!
Here's keeping what you know regardless of how high you go!
Written by
Jon Woodroof
♥️ @Kristyspark✨, Otto, Mira, Errol, Simone, Brayden & Rowan 💡 living the dream @Workspacesix & @Twotoneams 💌 I love to send special stuff to special people weekly.
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